About Us

About Us

Helvethic is a Multi Family Office regulated by the Dubai World Trade Centre Authorities – the historical financial centre of Dubai, also hosting the Dubai Stock Market (DFM).

Our banking heritage ensures that we focus exclusively on what is best for our ultra-high networth families. Historically, we were a Swiss Family Office based in 25 rue de Bourg, Lausanne. We were helping local families to grow their wealth ethically – a pioneering financial concept at the time.
Our family office operations were internationalised more than 10 years ago, when our core team moved to Dubai

Helvethic is a Multi Family Office regulated by the Dubai World Trade Centre Authorities – the historical financial centre of Dubai, also hosting the Dubai Stock Market (DFM).

Our banking heritage ensures that we focus exclusively on what is best for our ultra-high networth families. Historically, we were a Swiss Family Office based in 25 rue de Bourg, Lausanne. We were helping local families to grow their wealth ethically – a pioneering financial concept at the time.
Our family office operations were internationalised more than 10 years ago, when our core team moved to Dubai

Our Values

As a Dubai-based office, we keep earning the trust of our families by adhering to our Swiss values and mirroring the transparency and sustainability principles inherent to ethical finance.

Always on your side – Serving, not promoting

We have a long tradition of assisting our families with dedication and humility. We provide the most pertinent opinion, while our clients always have the final say. Our task is to engineer and implement solutions, not to substitute ourselves to our clients’ good judgement

Our Values

As a Dubai-based office, we keep earning the trust of our families by adhering to our Swiss values and mirroring the transparency and sustainability principles inherent to ethical finance.

Always on your side – Serving, not promoting

We have a long tradition of assisting our families with dedication and humility. We provide the most pertinent opinion, while our clients always have the final say. Our task is to engineer and implement solutions, not to substitute ourselves to our clients’ good judgement

Our Vision

We stand by our ultra-high net-worth families in everything they do. From growing their wealth to buying a home, from legal concerns to lifestyle services. Our tasks are immensely varied.
However, there is a constant in all we do – we are turned towards modernity. We implement perennial solutions to ensure our families keep thriving. Artificial intelligence, robots, quantum computing, virtual reality and tokenised assets are example of disruptive technologies that are on the top of our watch list.
Our families take comfort knowing that we have the vision and expertise to address every dimension of growing their wealth – now and for generations to come

Our Vision

We stand by our ultra-high net-worth families in everything they do. From growing their wealth to buying a home, from legal concerns to lifestyle services. Our tasks are immensely varied.
However, there is constant in all we do – we are turned towards modernity. We implement perennial solutions to ensure our families keep thriving. Blockchain, metaverse and other disruptive technologies are recurrently on the top of our watch lists.
Our families take comfort knowing that we have the vision and expertise to address every dimension of growing their wealth – now and for generations to come

Our Management Team

Our Management Team

Mathieu Bridoux

Managing Partner & Head of Investment Strategy

Co-Founder of Helvethic Multi Family Office and of various financial firms, Mathieu is a visionary Strategist specialized in Investment, Structuring, and Private Equity. Additionally, Mathieu has developed a robust expertise in Web3 Advisory

Steve Morganti

Managing Partner & Head of Private Wealth

Co-Founder of Helvethic Multi Family Office and of various financial firms, Steve is an Ex-Private banker at Banque Cantonale Vaudoise. He has a strong background in Financial Asset Management, Private Equity, and in Banking Advisory

Norma Di Niro

Partner & Head of Corporate Wealth

Ex-EAME Financial Controller at Caterpillar, Norma holds a master’s degree in Business Management. Her international background, in both manufacturing and head office environments, comes along with an expertise in Internal Control and Compliance, Risk Management, M&A and business integration, Business valuation, Strategy and D&I / ESG -Social

Olivia Marsh

Partner & Head of Legal

Ex-In-house Senior Legal Officer of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Olivia is an Australian transactional Lawyer with over 18 years of experience, legal advisor on corporate governance, commercial matters, and risk management strategies, reviewing and providing advice on a wide range of legal matters and documents

Dewi Hayati

Head of Family Affairs & Financial Controller

Ex- senior auditor at Ernst & Young, Dewi holds of a Master in Business Management and Business Administration. She is also a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Professional Auditor. Dewi is a great asset as she comes with more than 12 years of experience in a broad range of industries and corporations. She has outstanding interpersonal skills and is passionate about quality

Mathieu Bridoux

Managing Partner & Head of Investment Strategy

Co-Founder of Helvethic Multi Family Office and of various financial firms, Mathieu is a visionary Strategist specialized in Investment, Structuring, and Private Equity. Additionally, Mathieu has developed a robust expertise in Web3 Advisory

Steve Morganti

Managing Partner & Head of Private Wealth

Co-Founder of Helvethic Multi Family Office and of various financial firms, Steve is an Ex-Private banker at Banque Cantonale Vaudoise. He has a strong background in Financial Asset Management, Private Equity, and in Banking Advisory

Norma Di Niro

Partner & Head of Corporate Wealth

Ex-EAME Financial Controller at Caterpillar, Norma holds a master’s degree in Business Management. Her international background, in both manufacturing and head office environments, comes along with an expertise in Internal Control and Compliance, Risk Management, M&A and business integration, Business valuation, Strategy and D&I / ESG -Social

Olivia Marsh

Partner & Head of Legal

Ex-In-house Senior Legal Officer of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Olivia is an Australian transactional Lawyer with over 18 years of experience, legal advisor on corporate governance, commercial matters, and risk management strategies, reviewing and providing advice on a wide range of legal matters and documents

Dewi Hayati

Head of Family Affairs & Financial Controller

Ex- senior auditor at Ernst & Young, Dewi holds of a Master in Business Management and Business Administration. She is also a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Professional Auditor. Dewi is a great asset as she comes with more than 12 years of experience in a broad range of industries and corporations. She has outstanding interpersonal skills and is passionate about quality